A dozen long-stem red roses arranged in a vase radiate timeless beauty and romantic sentiment. Each of the 12 roses is carefully selected for its vibrant red hue, symbolizing love and passion. The tall, elegant stems provide a graceful structure, with the roses blooming fully at the top, their velvety petals creating a rich, lush display.
The arrangement is complemented by fresh greenery, such as leatherleaf ferns or baby’s breath, which add texture and a soft, airy touch. The clear glass vase showcases the roses’ long stems, adding a sense of refinement and simplicity to the presentation. This classic bouquet is perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions in an understated yet meaningful way.
Three dozen long-stem red roses arranged in a vase exude classic elegance and romance. Each of the 36 roses features lush, velvety petals in a deep, passionate red hue, symbolizing love and admiration. Their tall, sturdy stems create a striking vertical presence, while the roses are artfully arranged to form a full, rounded display.
Accentuating the roses, fresh greenery such as ruscus or baby’s breath provides a delicate contrast, adding texture and depth to the arrangement. The clear glass vase showcases the stems, further emphasizing the natural beauty of the bouquet. It’s a timeless and luxurious floral gift, perfect for making a bold statement of affection.
Large Pedestal Vase, Greens: Leatherleaf, Salal, Flowers: Yellow Roses, Pink Roses, Yelloworange Bicolor Roses, White Waxflower.
Are you ready to spoil the one you love? With a mixture of yellow, pink, and bi-colored roses, our Two Dozen Mixed Roses bouquet is perfect for doing just that! Show them your love with these gorgeous flowers today.
Let me make a custom design based on the highest quality and freshest flowers available. I put careful consideration into the occasion and season. You can tell me specifics in the notes section when ordering. Every design is one of a kind and built to the maximum of your price point.
Each design is one fo a kind and custom made for the occasion and recipient. No two arrangements are the same. When you choose “Designer’s Choice”, I create a design using the highest quality and freshest flowers available. Each arrangement is built to the maximum fullness of the price point you choose. You can also add specific notes when ordering.
Let me know what color of roses would be your top choice. When you place your order, be sure to leave a good contact number so I can confirm availability. Arrangements will start with 1 dozen of your choice roses and go up based on the price point selected.
Sending roses is always a special occasion. Roses are the traditional, go-to romantic gift. They are also a one of the most popular and recognized flowers in the world. No matter who you want to send flowers to, roses are a perfect choice. Send red roses for romance, white roses for respect, and yellow roses for friendship. Whatever rose you choose to send, Big Pine Flower Shop in Big Pine Key can help you!